Welcome to “A Word”

Pastor Ray Houston’s Blog

Hello visitors

I’d like to share with you my desires and ambitions for blogging. I do it because of the need of those that need a blog of the Word of God for healing when in need of deliverance from drug addiction, opioid addiction, alcohol addiction, spousal abuse, child abuse, infidelity, and we know the list goes on and on and on. Blogging wasn’t around when I was on drugs. Yet I know that being able to read a Christian Blogger is maybe somewhat like getting Christian Counseling daily. I feel a part of my ambition is to be able to offer the counseling of the ex-addict that has not only 27 years clean time but also 30 years of ministry experience. Yep I also blog from the heart of a former failure.

Yes I know the pain of being the addict and the one afflicted by the addict and can go after that pain in true blog form for the healing of drug addicts and all other types of addicts because if I didn’t do it somebody on the block did. I’ve learned a lot from my experience in prison ministry as well as my many other rolls in life. The “old heads” in the joint are perhaps among the best would-be bloggers I’ve heard. As a Ministry in blogging I get the opportunities to reach out with blogs that will be part bible study, part sermon, and part ministry counseling that I believe will definitely meet the addicts and the abused at the point of their needs. I remember a big part of what I needed was for someone that knew not only the heart of addiction but also the Word of God. The patience’s of a Man of God is as awesome as any of his ministry tools. Patience I have. I really do believe that blogging to the drug addiction community is one of the joys of God I’ve been blessed with. Not only do I believe that I can reach those in addiction, but I truly believe this will be a opportunity to reach the lost for Christ but also to ministry to any that would stop by for A Word.

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THE PROCESS In regards to whatever issues “we may be being defeated by” usually it’s…

Ray Houston Book


There Is Life After Drugs – How Bad Do You Want It?

In his book, There Is Life After Drugs – How Bad Do You Want It?, Pastor Ray Houston tells the story of his past as a single parent battling addiction and his road to starting a Christian ministry in Bloomington, IL.

His life was all about the streets. Alcohol, sex, money, and above all, drugs, was what made his life go round. He seemed to be a hopeless case of a lost soul, until he opened his heart to see the rewards of being a single parent, raising his baby daughter even in the midst of dysfunction. Through vivid narration, Pastor Houston chronicles the sour events of his past to bring inspiration to everyone in the future. He was a drug addict for twenty-seven years, but God allowed him to escape jail, dodge death, and not lose custody of his child. His new-found freedom marks his fascinating journey of new life and hope.